Staff Spotlight – Talking to Soli

Community, General, People
15th Dec, 2023

Staff Spotlight - Talking to Soli

This month, we turn the Staff Spotlight on Soli, who works as a Developer at SRA. Soli has a passion for technology and software development. She particularly enjoys coding and problem-solving. Read her story below.

What sort of work do you do at SRA?

At SRA, I work as a Developer. My responsibilities primarily involve developing, and maintaining software applications and websites. I also get involved in coding, debugging, testing, and collaborating with a team to create and improve software solutions.

What led you to your current role?

I have a genuine passion for technology and software development. I enjoy coding and problem-solving.

How has SRA supported your career?

SRA has provided me with an environment where I can pursue my passion for coding. This means I get to work on projects and tasks that align with what I love to do.

SRA offers easy access to resources for my continued learning and skill development. This includes access to Udemy courses, which allows me to undertake training on a wide range of topics related to my field. Access to these educational resources are crucial in keeping me up-to-date and enhancing my knowledge and skills.

What do you love most about working in tech?

The combination of innovation, problem-solving, collaboration, and the potential for personal and professional growth make working in tech an exciting and fulfilling experience for me.

What has been the most satisfying thing you’ve done at SRA?

Investigating and resolving problems/issues raised by clients has been immensely gratifying. It involves delving into complex challenges, understanding the root causes, and coming up with effective solutions. The feeling of successfully addressing a client’s concern and providing them with a resolution is truly rewarding.

Having the opportunity to learn and grow is an aspect of what makes my experience at SRA so satisfying. The tech industry is dynamic, and SRA has provided me with an environment that encourages continuous learning and professional development. Whether it’s through on-the-job challenges, or access to educational resources, I’ve been able to expand my knowledge and skills, which in turn has enhanced my job satisfaction. The ability to adapt, acquire new skills, and evolve in the tech field is a significant source of personal and professional fulfillment in my role at SRA.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

A fun fact about me is that I am an avid reader with a genuine love for studying, reading, and continuous learning. Additionally, I’m enthusiastic about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and one of my favourite ways to do so is by hitting the gym. It’s a great way to stay active, relieve stress, and achieve a sense of well-being beyond my work-related activities.

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